Essential Supervisory Skills


WSQ/SDF,SkillsFuture Credit
No. of Days:
1 Day
Funding Individual
Full Cost S$438.7
Please refer to the "Funding" tab to understand details breakdown
How much you need to pay? Login to find out more about the funding
Course Date

Course ID

Course Start Dates / Time


Course Status

No Course Date

Management is never an easy job, especially when you are new. In the past, you only need to worry about meeting your key performance indicator (KPI) but now, you are leading an entire team! That comes with a lot of responsibilities and expectations to deal with.

In this programme, we will look at three competencies, enabling the supervisor to optimise his/her performance and be a more competent supervisor.

After the workshop, you will be able to:

  • learn a positive and real-world approach to be effective both personally and professionally
  • lead through role modelling

​What you will learn?

  • Get Real!
    - Know your supervisory style
    - Understand how others view you as a supervisor
  • Communicate Upward and Downward
    - How people of different DISC behavioural style communicate
    - Resolve communication barriers
    - How to gather and give constructive feedback
  • Coach
    - Career Planning - begin coaching with an end in mind
  • Delegate
    - How to delegate responsibilities effectively
    - Identify and motivate chronic underachievers
  • Encourage Teamwork and Celebrate!
    - Develop shared ownership for results
    - Manage, not micromanage
    - Leverage on diversity
    - Celebrate team and team members’ accomplishments and exceptional performance

Who Should Attend?
Team leaders or supervisors aspiring to increase personal effectiveness as they take on the supervisory role in the organisation.

This is a highly interactive workshop with mini-lectures, small group discussions, presentations, workplace activities and video-clips. Participants are expected to contribute actively to achieve maximum learning impact.

25 Scotts Road
Building Name:
Royal Plaza on Scotts
EON Consulting & Training Pte Ltd

EON Consulting & Training Pte Ltd, formerly known as Effective Outsource Networks, was established in 1996 and specialises in providing human capital consulting and training services to organisations in Singapore.

It has helped organisations improve on day-to-day human resource operations through three main areas of support, namely, information service, consulting and training.

Training Center

Total No. of Review Submitted: 0

Average Score:


No Course Review

Susan Lim

Master of Education from the University of Melbourne, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education from the National Institute of Education (NIE) and Bachelor of Science from the National University of Singapore. She is also a DISC Certified Human Behaviour Consu

Ms Susan Lim has 20 years of teaching and training experience in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar, and aspires to make a difference in the lives of both the youths and adults. She believes in living above the line to create personal power and is future-oriented. She inspires connections between personal and professional goals, and committed to empower people to exceed their personal best.

Her extended training experience has inspired countless youth, teachers and adults. In 2012, she was awarded the Outstanding Teacher Mentor and Outstanding Contribution Award for Teaching and Learning, Professional Development in Swiss Cottage Secondary School. In 2014, she pioneered teacher training for a Singapore institution in Yangon and still works closely with them to deliver customised learning solutions for corporate clients. Her love and enthusiasm for learning is limitless and impacting lives beyond Singapore.

The following are details breakdown of the funding

WSQ Login to find out more about the funding
SkillsFuture -
Productivity & Innovation Credit -
How much you need to pay? Login to find out more about the funding


  • Funding is subjected to approval from the government agencies
  • The amount is calculated based on the "Up to" percentage of the course fees
  • Taking into assumption that you have not fully utilized the SkillsFuture Credit and Productivity & Innoviation Credit Scheme


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